Hi! I'm Shuvam (he/him) 👋

I am a software designer currently noodling with open-source observability paradigms at SigNoz 🍜
You'd mostly find me tinkering with ideas about programming interfaces, puzzles, urban design and indie-hacking ⎯ working on projects like Sonder and Loop, or roaming around clicking photographs.
In the past, I've worked with good folks at places like DeepSource,Openhouse, Solana, and Luru 💭



Reading between the lines

In 2021, I wrote my undergrad thesis on how to enable function-calling and rendering dynamic interfaces. Using GPT-3, we built a to-do app.

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DeepSource for VS Code

We built a whole new extension that brought the power of DeepSource's static analysis to the IDE ⎯ right where you write code.

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Reports & Insights

Early in 2022, we built a feature set to give more insights on how DeepSource is helping prevent issues in your code - enter Reports & Insights.

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Monorepo support

Early last year, we went down the rabbit hole of adding monorepo support for DeepSource and we were first faced with umpteen questions.

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Branding for Luru

Early in 2023, Luru approached me to do an entire do-over of their brand and website. Here is a glimpse of how we shook things up 👇

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The Mimir Update

A not-so-small collection of updates, features, bug bashing and polishing that we did for Bifrost ⎯ DeepSource's frontend dashboard.

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Configuration Editor

We polished DeepSource's config editor to show multiple affordances, added a fun transition for error messages, and more utilitarian.

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Speaking gigs

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